Firm price levels achieved today at the auction

The Saga Furs auction continued today with the offering of 710,000 Brown and 170,000 dark female pelts along with smaller quantities of other mink types. The Brown and dark pelts were 70% sold with firm price levels compared to recent European levels. Main buying was done to China with support from the European fashion industry and South Korea.

The Brown Velvet Female Mink Top Lot was bought by Sean Shih from Shin Kosmisch from Taiwan.

The auction continues tomorrow Sunday with the sale of Palomino and Black and Brown Cross pelts.

Fur Top Lot buyers

Top Lot buyer Shin Kosmisch plans to use top lot skins to produce nice garments for their beloved family and their own luxury brand ‘Di Marzia’. “Having been in the fur business for a long time, we have a deep connection with Saga Furs. We have always enjoyed coming to Saga, not to mention the importance of joining one of the biggest auction house in the world but also to meet each other face to face. We have been and will continue to support Saga Furs for a promising future!”