The aim of Saga Furs Oyj is to produce reliable, sufficient and up-to-date information about the business development and financial position of the Saga Furs Group to serve as a basis in share price formation.
To reach this target
- we publish annually a six month interim report, a financial statement bulletin and an annual financial report
- in connection with each auction, we publish an auction report on the last selling day and, when necessary, also on days when the selling of a particular main pelt type is concluded
- we publish a release of the decisions of the Annual General Meeting
- we provide information on the factors affecting share price development, such as substantial organisational changes, major appointments and significant business transactions, when necessary
- we publish latest news and maintain news archive on the Internet at www.sagafurs.com
We aim to ensure that all our stakeholders have equal access to information without undue delay, as defined in the Securities Market Act and the Limited Liability Companies Act. All information published by the company is available both in Finnish and in Swedish. Furthermore, we use different modes of communication to support and enhance the corporate image of the Saga Furs Group. Our central stakeholders are investors, media representatives, customers, staff, authorities and cooperation partners.
We comply with current legislations, regulations of authorities and marketplaces as well as the best practices of investor communications. The most important communication channels are NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and the Internet.
The company’s communications department is responsible for daily communications and the practical execution of communications, whereas communications on general corporate matters is centred to the Managing Director.
Note to disclosure policy: The primary languages for Saga Furs Oyj stock exchange releases are Finnish and Swedish.