Saga Furs auction June 2019

International buyers active on the first day of Saga Furs’ June auction

The Saga Furs’ June auction started today to a wide international crowd of 450 buyers which includes more than 200 Chinese buyers. First on offer was 35,000 Finnraccoon pelts that were 100% sold on firm price level compared to the Saga Furs’ March auction. The auction room was lively with most buying done by the European fashion industry with good support from Turkey.

The sale of 55,000 Blue Frost Fox pelts followed the same pattern with 90% clearance. The main taker was European and North American fashion industry with good support from Korea, Turkey and Russia. The Blue Frost Fox Top Lot was bought by Mr. Pu Xiao Liang for his brands Alyinvow (阿颖) and Disy (荻思) in China.

The auction continues tomorrow with the sale of 500,000 Blue Fox and 50,000 Blue Shadow Fox pelts.