Welcome to Saga Furs’ instructions web page on how to buy skins at our Online Auction system. We want to ensure that our customers can always acquire raw materials for their production.
At this web page we have gathered all the information you need to make your skin buying process as smooth and effective as possible. Even though our online auction system is intuitive and user-friendly, we recommend that you read the instructions carefully.
How to find Saga Furs’ Online Auction system and log in
Log in
Buying at the Online Auction system starts from Saga Furs’ web page www.sagafurs.com
1) At the home page in the right-hand corner click LOGIN.
2) In the field marked “Email, phone or Skype” please enter your login name, which is: firstname.lastname@sagaservices.com
Click Next.
If you don’t have a login name, or you have lost your password, please contact invoice@sagafurs.com and give your name, customer account number and mobile phone number and we will send you the new log in details.
3) Type in your password and click Sign in
4) Click the Launch button on the Online Auction square to enter the online auction.
After you have clicked Launch and before you enter the online auction, you will have to approve the terms and conditions of sale.
5) If/When the “Need admin Approval” box appears, click the underlined text “Have an admin account? Sign in with that account”
Explanation of the different functions
The information in the navigation bar
- Auctions = here you can choose which auction days you want to review; the Upcoming auction days or the Past auction days
- My Bids = in this section you’ll find all the lots you have bid on, both upcoming and past bids
- Watched lots = here you’ll find your favourites listing, which are the lots you marked with stars
- Your name = when you have registered for the auction, your name will appear at the navigation bar. Clicking your name opens up information about your buyer number, name, e-mail address etc.
Most of the information provided on the main screen is well known to the skin auction buyers from live auctions, but some of the functions are good to clarify.
- Stars = you can mark the lots you are interested in by clicking the star in front of the lots. These favourite lots are gathered under Watched lots, which you find in the main navigation bar at the top of the page. If you mark all the lots you are interested in, you can do all your bidding in the Watched bids section.
- Per page = you can use the number drop-down menu to choose how many lots you want to see on each page. We recommend that you change the number to the maximum lots/page = 100. It will make it easier for you to follow the lots you are bidding on.
- Pages = by clicking the arrow in front of Go, you can jump to different pages
How to bid
In order to bid on the Online Auction system, you must have full access to your Saga Buyer number. If you don’t have a number of your own, and want to buy skins, you have to contact a broker, who can do the bidding for you.
Bidding in the Online Auction system is different than at a normal auction. All bids are final and cannot be changed after they are placed.
You can’t bid on strings, only individual lots. This also applies to sequential lots with the same description. Pay special attention to following your bids to make sure that you get the lots you need. The timers run continually and there are no separate notifications when bids are closing.
- Placing bids
1. you can see the starting price on the right side of the lot. You cannot bid under the starting price.
2. when you want to bid on a lot, click Place bid.
3. A drop-down menu appears where you choose the price you want to place for the lot. The price increments are pre-chosen.
4. When you have chosen your price, click the Submit bid -button.
5. Jump increment: As a buyer buying for several customers, you can use the ”Jump increment function”. This will allow you to bid against your previous bid.
6. (Quick purchase) If you want to secure the lot and skip the bidding, you can also buy a lot by choosing the Quick purchase. Then you pay the price indicated in the quick purchase box. You will win the lot and no one else can compete the bid anymore. Using this function, you can make sure that you get the quantities you need, but observe that your purchases will be registered in the morning, Finnish time.
7. You can bid automatically by placing your maximum price bid for a lot. When another buyer places a bid higher than the starting price, the system automatically on your behalf raises your bid in increments that keep you in the lead until your maximum price is reached. If there is no competition you win the lot for the starting price.
8. Edit Bid: You can raise your earlier set maximum price by choosing edit bid. This will allow you to raise the price, you cannot decrease the price.
2. Following bids
- Star function: You can mark the lots you want to follow by clicking the star function on the left corner. The lots marked will appear in “Watched lots” -section in the navigation bar.
- By paying attention to the letter groups in the lot description – for instance NB – you will easily find the lots you are interested in the printed sales catalogue or in MyCatalogue. The descriptions of the lots here are the same as you find in the catalogue.
You can easily follow the lots you have bid on in “My Bids” -section in the navigation bar.
Here in “My bids” you can follow the lots you have bid on, both upcoming and past bids.
Choosing past bids, you will see all the lots you bid on from previous auction days.
Correspondingly, upcoming bids shows the bids of the current and following auction days.
- Sold for xx euro means that the lot has been sold to the price indicated
- Lost: sold for xx euro means that you have bid for the lot, but somebody else bought it at a higher price.
- Won: Purchase for xx euro in green, means that you have won the lot at the indicated price.
- Passed = lot is withdrawn
3. Bidding TIMES for every lot
The timers run continually and there are no separate notifications when bids are closing.
In the type column under each lot, you can see the bidding time and how much time is left to bid. If a bid is given in the last 30 seconds left for bidding that lot, bidding time will go up to 30 seconds.